The Faculty of Da’wah and Communication (FDK) UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau (UIN Suska Riau) is preparing an international journal indexed by Scopus. This is one of the FDK’s commitments as an effort to strengthen academic capacity through scientific publications.

“Currently the FDK has four accredited journals, one of which is accredited by Sinta 2, namely the Journal of Da’wah Risalah. When we were first appointed as leaders, we were determined to have an international reputable indexed journal,” said the Dean of the FDK UIN Suska Riau, Dr. Imron Rosidi MA, on Thursday (2/12/2021) afternoon, during a visit to the Faculty of Sharia and Law (FSH) Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN Syahid), Ciputat, Banten.

Imron together with several FDK leaders and the managing editor of the Da’wah Risalah Journal went to the FSH UIN Syahid because the faculty has an international journal that was recently indexed by Scopus, the Ahkam journal. “We planned that the Dakwah Risalah Journal could be indexed by Scopus. We came here to learn about preparations for Scopus, as Ahkam has achieved,” he said.

The Dean of FSH UIN Syahid Dr. Ahmad Tholabi Kharlie, SH, MA, MH, said that the development of journals at FSH is included in the strategic plan (renstra) including Ahkam. “Thank God it was achieved. The journal is managed by people who are istiqomah, young people who really maintain the quality of their language. Not only giving notes but also helping the quality of the articles. Even the Rector of UIN Syahid still wants to help by being an Arabic editor because she is an expert in this field,” he said. The dean was accompanied by Deputy Dean I of FSH Dr. Syahrul Adam, M.Ag and one of the editors of Ahkam, Ahmad Bahtiar.

The event ended with the signing of a memorandum of agreement  between the FDK UIN Suska and the FSH UIN Syahid to improve the quality of journals and other activities agreed by both parties. “In addition to good articles, the distribution of authors and reviewers must be spread across several continents,” Ahmad Tholabi reminded.



FDK UIN Suska Belajar ke Jurnal Ahkam UIN Syahid Untuk Persiapan Scopus

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