The Faculty of Da’wah and Communication at UIN Suska Riau has successfully conducted the Freshers week for new students for the 2021/2022 Academic Year, on Wednesday, September 8, 2021. Located at the Suska TV studio, the event was held online through the YouTube channel and zoom meeting. The leaders of the Faculty were also present, including the Vice Dean II for General Administration, Planning and Finance, Dr. Toni Hartono, M.Si, Deputy Dean III for Student Affairs and Cooperation Dr. H. Arwan, M.Ag, heads of study programs, secretary of study programs, chair and secretary of the Faculty Quality Assurance Committee, Head of Academic Subsection, Head of TV laboratory and the crews of Suska TV.

In his remarks, the Dean of the Faculty of Da’wah and Communication, Dr. Imron Rosidi, invited new students for the 2021/2022 Academic Year to be able to be adaptive to digital technology and familiar with digital learning models. He said “My hope as a dean is that students can take advantage of their student status well, study hard, gain knowledge anywhere, learning everywhere and always be adaptive to the development of digital learning models, because you are the chosen people”.

This year’s admission, the Faculty of Da’wah and Communications has more limited quota than the previous year to maximize the capacity of existing infrastructure and human resources in order to achieve the good quality education. This year, there are only 481 new students accepted by the Da’wah and Communications faculty out of a total of 4468 applicants. From 450 people applying for Islamic Community Development Study Program, only 73 people are accepted as new students. From 1271 applicants applying for Islamic Counselling Guidance Study Program, only 96 people are selected as new students. From 1427 applicants applying for Communication Studies, only 206 people are chosen as new students. Lastly, the Da’wah Management Study Program has 1320 applicants but only 106 people are accepted as new students.

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