Students’ launching of the book was held on Monday (10/1) at the Islamic Center Auditorium of UIN Suska Riau. The event was attended by the Dean of the Da’wah Faculty and communication represented by the Deputy Dean I for Academic and Institutional Development, Head of the Da’wah Management Study Program, Secretary of the Da’wah Management Study Program, Da’wah Management Lecturers, and 2019 Da’wah Management Students.
The books created by students of the Class of 2019 have their respective focus of study. Among them is the focus of their studies on the phenomenon of urban Muslim youth, and some take pictures on the issue of Islamic philanthropy. Both are themes that are often discussed in the study of sociology and anthropology of Islam.
The initiative to write a research-based book was supported by one of the Da’wah Management lecturers in the Da’wah Sociology and Anthropology Course, Dony Arung Triantoro, S.Sos., M.A. In a virtual interview, Dony Arung Triantoro said that the book produced by students is a book based on field research.
“Students go into the field like sociologists and anthropologists who do ethnographic work. In addition to sharpening academic writing for fellow students, this will also have an impact on the contribution of students to the re-accreditation process for future study programs because accreditation with nine criteria assesses external aspects, both in the form of the work of lecturers and students,” he s
The four books launched include Niqobis urban: mobility, Negotiation, and narrative of veiled Muslim in Pekanbaru, Muslim youth and leisure time: aspirations, identity, and consumption, Charity worship: Islamic philanthropy, da’wah, and welfare, Muslim youth and cafes: aspirations, Identity, and Negotiation.
In his speech, the Dean, represented by the Deputy Dean for Academic and Institutional Development, Dr. Masduki, said that “the Da’wah Management Study Program has always had a myriad of achievements, both academic and non-academic. We must appreciate this so that students can produce even more works in the future. To Dony Arung Triantoro, thank you for nurturing students well so that they produce good works.”